Accepted Payment Methods


Wholesale Orders

United States
  • Credit card (contact customer service to add a card to your account)
  • Money order/certified check on delivery (additional COD tag fee added to shipping costs)
  • Company check* (requires prior approval of credit application)
  • Net terms* (requires prior approval of credit application)
  *credit application available upon request
  • Credit card (contact customer service to add a card to your account)
  • Wire transfer (will include additional banking fee)

Drop Ship Orders

  • Credit card only (contact customer service to add a card to your account)

Credit Card Payments

Your credit card is NOT stored or processed through our online order center website. Credit card payments are processed in house through a secure gateway at the time of shipping.
To put a credit card on file for your account, please contact our customer service department at 800-876-4363 or email

The following information will be required:

    • 16 digit credit card number
    • Expiration date
    • 3 digit CVV code from the back of the card
    • Cardholder name as it appears on the card
    • Billing address associated with the credit card
    • Billing telephone number associated with the credit card
We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover.


USPS Ground Advantage - 12/17
USPS Priority Mail - 12/19
FedEx One Rate - 12/19
UPS Ground - 12/17
FedEx Ground - 12/17
FedEX Two Day Air - 12/19
FedEX Next Day Air - 12/20 BY NOON EST
We are not responsible for delayed deliveries due to weather conditions or carrier delays.